Are You Afraid Of Success?

What the heck? Who would be afraid of success? Of course I’m not afraid of success!

Well then, have you ever done any of the following?

  • Backed out of an important speaking engagement at the last minute

  • Missed an article deadline

  • Left a high-profile potential client hanging because you couldn’t figure out the right way to respond

  • Didn’t even apply for/ask about an incredible opportunity because you probably wouldn’t get it anyway

If you said “yes” to any of the items above, then you just might be afraid of success. But, you ask again, why would anyone be afraid of success?

Here are the reasons I’ve heard and seen most often:

  • “I couldn’t handle a job that big.” So what? Hire some help.

  • “So-and-so deserves it more.” Really? Who deserves success more than you?

  • “My business is too new. I haven’t been doing this long enough.” Well, if you’re on to a great idea, then be prepared for folks to want it.

  • “I couldn’t possibly hold my own with {Name Your Favorite Expert/Role Model} on the same stage.” Oh honey, I bet you can.

Notice that all of these reasons have to do with your own perception of the situation, not with external factors impacting your ability to deliver. Most of the time you simply don’t realize you are sabotaging your own success before you even give it a chance. How do you get over yourself?

Starting seeing yourself as a leader.

Yep, it’s as simple as that. Starting seeing yourself as a leader, and you’ll start acting like one. Which includes no longer being afraid of success.

Ready to take that first fear-busting step? Leave a comment below let me know what you’re going to try first.


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