One Quick Idea to Get a Handle on Your Schedule & Avoid Overwhelm

Are you overwhelmed by your schedule? Here's what I do when things get a little out of hand.

  1. Spend two minutes and list all the activities I want/need to make room for in my daily schedule.

2. Create a page that will go in my daily journal, then fit in each activity.

3. Add that page at the beginning of the month, so that I can refer to it when I set up my calendar/to-do's at the beginning of each day

If you're not a paper person, you could do the same in your online calendar, setting up blocks of time each day for general focus areas, and then filling in with specific tasks, meetings, etc.

Doing this every so often allows me to revisit my priorities, and make sure I'm making space for everything that's important.

So there you have it, the one quick idea that helps me get a handle on my schedule and avoid overwhelm. Do you have quick ideas that work for you?


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